Welcome to Santa Q's -- Questions for Santa

How long will Santa spend with each child or adult?

The amount of time varies because some people have a great deal to say when they see Santa, and others are a bit shy.  Santa always likes to ask questions about school, relationships with siblings, and other relevant matters of behavior.  It is safe to assume that Santa will spend at least one to two minutes talking to each visitor.

Does Santa make absolute promises in answer to gift requests?

Santa will always tell his fans, "We'll see what we can do," when it comes to fulfilling their Christmas wishes.  Making promises that later turn out to be impossible to fulfill can be a life-long disappointment for a child.  So Santa doesn't absolutely promise to deliver on any request, but he can check with the Elves to see what can be done to grant each wish.

Are there any questions that can be problematic for Santa?

Some specific requests require specialized responses.  For example, Santa will never promise to bring a live animal to a child unless that child's parents specifically give an OK ahead of the visit.  Santa cannot bring back to life a beloved pet that has passed on.  Santa can't make any guarantees to cure a Grandma, who is suffering through a serious illness.  But rest assured that these wishes are handled with the utmost sensitivity and Santa will give advice to the child based on "the power of love."

Why doesn't Santa perform magic tricks since he is good friends with Zappo the Magician?

Although Santa certainly has Zappo's ability to perform stage and close-up magic for his fans, generally children think of Santa as the essence of magic.  Performing parlour magic effects is, to quote an old saying, "like carrying coals to Newcastle."  It is a bit anti-climactic, and so it is rare that Santa will do a magic show in addition to his normal duties and responsibilities.

What should I do if my child is afraid of Santa?

It is not unusual for little ones to be a bit worried about a giant-sized, six-foot tall man in a red suit with huge fluffy white whiskers.  Parents should talk to their children, who are making their first visit with Santa, about what to expect and how gentle and kind Santa Claus really is.  Having older brothers or sisters or friends who have been to see Santa previously generally helps the younger children realize that they have nothing to fear as well.  But don't be surprised if your child is a bit shy when they first come face to face with Santa.

Should I push my fearful child to sit in Santa's Lap?

No.  Although you may not get the picture you wanted of your young child sitting in Santa's lap this year, there is always next year or a later encounter with Santa the same year.  It is a very bad idea to try to get Santa to hold a crying child because children are legitimately terrorized by an unusual looking stranger.  Forcing the issue is never a good idea.  Give your child the time it takes for them to realize they want to go to Santa and sit in his lap.  You won't regret that decision.

Can I take pictures during my Santa visit?

Taking pictures is encouraged, but please don't ask Santa to do anything that is out of character.  Santa will not violate any of the principles in The Santa Claus Oath.  http://santaclausoath.webs.com/theoath.htm